2016年11月22日 星期二
EDM party! 沒想到只有腦內啡也可以嗨成這樣
來瑞典當然就是要嘗試看看 EDM (Electronic Dance Music) 囉,畢竟這裡可是 EDM 大國呢!
(跟我一樣是第一次聽到 EDM 嗎?讀讀這篇:超初心者也能輕鬆瞭解EDM到底是啥)
2016年11月4日 星期五
Sweden Democrat: the Racist Party in Sweden
I post my assignment here once again to share this topic.
It's a hard time to re-write whole article for blog version so I finally decided to just slightly modify it. It is still in an academic writing style, but I include more pictures here and set some sub-title for each section. Hope you will enjoy this. Again, if you find any mistake I made, just leave message to me. Tack så mycket!
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