2017年5月27日 星期六

Seeking for motherland's hope: 2 Asian youths in Sweden (Part 1)

I assigned myself this final project for this exchange year to reflect all the experiences in Sweden.  I met DoHee in Umeå university.  She has written so many interesting blog posts about Sweden in Korean, so I think it would be inspiring to discuss the differences between Sweden and South Korea with her.  We did this in an interviewing way, and hope this way can make it easier for reader to follow the articles. 

We decided to work this project together to share our thoughts to all  friends from all over the world.  And of course, we would like to share all our observations to all our friends in Taiwan and South Korea.  Therefore, we are going to post a Chinese and a Korean translation version in a few weeks!  (Part 2 is also coming soon!)  Please also check DoHee's bolg post here


Hello, Yu-Husan. Thanks for having a conversation with me to share our experiences in Sweden. Since I met you I have realized that our generation in Taiwan and South Korea have many common concerns. Can you share the reason why you came to Sweden for our blog readers?